Произошло недоразумение

какая-то ошибка мешает работе приложения.


could not prepare statement; SQL [SELECT t.id FROM topic t JOIN topic_addon ta ON t.id=ta.topic_id JOIN blog b ON b.id=t.blog_id WHERE 1=1 and ((b.price=0 and t.price=0) or (b.price>0 and t.price<0)) AND t.is_analytic is true and ta.sport_id=1 AND tags_vectors @@ to_tsquery('jp & japan<->empress's<->cup<->women & vegalta<->sendai<->women') and ta.sport_id=1 and ((b.price=0 and t.price=0) or (b.price>0 and t.price<0)) AND t.ban_reason=0 ORDER BY t.last_comment_at DESC limit ?]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not prepare statement


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